Mapei Ultracot

In Pordenone a conference dedicated to the wood and its safe use in interior design

In Pordenone a conference dedicated to the wood and its safe use in interior design
“Living the Nature. wood and ecology in architectural design and interior design” that’s the title of the conference.

Held at the Cultural Center in Pordenone House A. Zanussi Friday, 21st March. The conference is within the educational projects of the Order of Architects and PPC Pordenone, and was developed in collaboration with Lignum Venetia, a family owned company committed to providing solutions in timber environments.
The certification system;
The need to guarantee the health of the environments within we live;
The importance of limiting the emission of formaldehyde;
The research on materials and their possible uses of the high quality wood floors.
Lignuum Venetia is the only company in Europe awarded by the EU Ecolabel with their three-layer cross oak floor boards.
Then they presented the project Green_Zero + Green_Room, an initiative of architecture and interiors that respect the environment.
The conference was an opportunity for updating but has also provided important keys to learn the use of wood for professionals.

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